What are the limited Edition carbon rims in YISHUNBIKE

20210519104204_70151 What are the limited Edition carbon rims in YISHUNBIKE YISHUNBIKE

What are the limited Edition carbon rims in YISHUNBIKE

20210519104204_70151-1 What are the limited Edition carbon rims in YISHUNBIKE YISHUNBIKE

MTB Rims

Arch Bridge Design

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WaterDrop Designs

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Road Rims

255TG Rim brake rims w.t Laser Brake Surface

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Gravel Rims with Asmestry Superlight Design

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New Graphene Composite Material

We apply nanographene 2D lattice onto the surface epoxy.

It’s efficient to improve the epoxy structure strength by around 25%.

The key technology is to make sure that the graphene 2D lattice is evenly spread in every micromini corner

That means around 25% strength added to carbon fiber and around 25% lighter weight than normal composite material.


Mecha-Color Free dust Paint

We are inspired by those Transformers who always wear incredible invincible armors.

Their armors never got rusty for centuries and keep their bodies alive in all tough conditions.

The Mecha-Color paint gives extra armor to the carbon rim which brings exceptional strength and durability.

The smooth finish drops dust, mud and water in a second.

Available for mtb rims only

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